
Home Terms


Thank you for choosing to find out more about Hindenburg Media by visiting our websites. Our relationship is based on the disclaimer and the terms of use, and we request you carefully review them carefully before using the website. In case you have a concern or question about our terms of use, get in touch with us

  1. About us

Hindenburg Media holds the corrupt and powerful to account through various activities, which include informing the public about their wrongdoing, making the public aware of corruption as well as its impact, promoting accountability and transparency in business and politics, and providing the public with a platform for combating, curbing, and stopping corruption. Without a double, we are the leading global player against corruption, scam, and fraud.

  1. Acceptance of our terms

The terms listed herein apply to the website of Hindenburg Media. When you use our website, you accept these terms and confirm that you will fully comply with them. In case you do not want to comply with these terms or do not agree with them in any way, we ask you not to use our website. We advise you to print a copy of our terms of use for ease and future reference.

  1. Updates to our terms and/or website

We make changes to our terms every now and then. The revised version of our terms of use will be effective the moment it is posted unless specified otherwise. Every time you want to use our site, kindly check these terms to make sure you fully understand the latest terms of use. After the update of our term of use, if you continue to use the website, that means you accept the terms of use.

We might also change and update our site to make it in line with our activities, organizational priorities, and user needs. We may also change and update our site for any other reason we believe important. We offer no guarantees that our site or any content on it will always be uninterrupted or available. We might restrict, withdraw, or suspend the availability of a part of the website or all of it for various operational reasons. Where possible, we shall try to give users reasonable notice regarding any withdrawal or suspension.

  1. Using the website

We are the licensee or the owner of all intellectual property rights in our website, as well as in the material published on it. These works are appropriately protected by copyright laws. All such rights are reserved.

You might print off copies. You might also download extracts of one or more pages from our site for your own personal reference. Unless where otherwise mentioned, the material on our site is protected by copyright laws. If you are reproducing any material on our site, you must acknowledge the authors of the material on the website.

If you distribute, copy, or print any part of this website in breach of terms of use mentioned herein, your rights to use the website will cease at once. Also, you will have to, at our option, destroy or return any copies of the content that you have made.

  1. Your personal information

Your personal information will be used only as set in Hindenburg Media Privacy Notice.

  1. Content on our websites

All the information contained here is reliable and accurate, according to the best of our knowledge, belief and ability.

Having said that, all information provided herein is offered “as is”. Hindenburg Media explicitly disclaims making any implied or express warranties in regard to the suitability of information provided here for any specific usage, its purpose, its application, or its merchantability.

No information on this Website might be regarded as a solicitation or an offer to sell or purchase services. We use this website for exposing frauds and discussing our opinions. In no circumstance or event shall the Hindenburg Media be held liable or responsible for the accuracy of any such content or for any lost opportunities or damages resulting from your usage of this material.

  1. Viruses and malware

We offer no guarantees whatsoever that our website is secure from viruses or malware or bugs or free of them. The responsibility of configuring your information technology, platforms, and computer programs to access this website lies solely with you. We strongly advise you to use your own malware protection software.

Users must not misuse this website by deliberately introducing worms, viruses, Trojans, logic bombs, worms or other harmful material or malicious material. Users must not try to gain unauthorized access to this website, the server on which the website is stored, or any computer or server or database or network connected to this website. Users must not attack this website via a distributed denial-of service attack or a denial-of-service attack.

If you breach this provision, you will be committing a cyber crime. Kindly note we will report all such attempts to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. Also, we will give our full cooperation to these authorities by sharing your identity with them. If we notice a breach event, your right to use this website will stop immediately.

  1. Websites that we link to

The Hindenburg Media website may contain links to other sites and resources, which may be offered by third parties. Where these links are offered, they are offered for only your information. These links in no way should be interpreted by you as our approval of those linked sites or the information displayed on them. We would like to make it clear we have no influence in any way over those sites. For this reason we assume no responsibility whatsoever for the legality, completeness, and accuracy of the content on those websites.

  1. Rules and guidelines for linking to our website

If you want, you might link to our homepage as long as you do so in a way that is legal and fair and in no way damages our reputation or gives others an opportunity to commercially take advantage of it. We would like to make it clear you must not link in a way to suggest or imply any sort of approval, endorsement, or association, where none exists. We would want to also make it clear that you must not set up a link to the Hindenburg Media website in any website that you do not own. We reserve the complete right for withdrawing linking permission at any point in time without any prior notice. In case you wish to use content on the Hindenburg Media website or link to the our content in a way not listed above, kindly contact


  1. Our responsibility for damage or loss suffered by you

Kindly note we offer our website only for private and domestic use. You give your agreement to not use this website for any business or commercial purposes. Kindly be informed that we share no liability to you for any loss of business, loss of profit, loss of commercial opportunity, or business interruption.

We would like to make it clear we make all appropriate effort to make sure the information presented on this website is correct and accurate. However, we accept no liability for reliability, correctness, accuracy, completeness, or topicality. We bear no liability to you for any indirect or direct loss suffered (which includes any loss of business, loss of money, loss of profit, loss of commercial opportunity, or business interruption) by third parties or users in connection with the use of the Hindenburg Media website.

  1. Governing law and jurisdiction

These terms, their subject matter and their formation, are governed by US law where applicable. You and we both agree that the courts of the Dublin, CA, USA will have exclusive jurisdiction.