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Thank you for your interest in Hindenburg Media!

It is our greatest wish that our material reaches as many people as possible, free of charge.

Below we have provided responses to some of the most common questions people ask about using and reproducing our work.

In case you are unable to locate an answer to a query, feel free to get in touch with us at

I would like to reproduce content owned by Hindenburg Media – must I ask permission first?

No, you do not need to take our permission. You (and others) are free to use our work without seeking permission, provided you follow the terms in the license. You comply with the terms of the license if you credit and link to our material as follows:

CONTENT TITLE (YEAR) by Hindenburg Media is licensed

Kindly note that you cannot change or remix the content owned by us.

Kindly note that some content on our website may not be owned by Hindenburg Media (such as image). Make sure you check that the content is not attributed to someone else before sharing or using.

I would like to use Hindenburg Media’s data in my work. Must I take permission first?

No, you do not need to take permission. You can use the general content owned by Hindenburg Media, as well as the datasets. If anything, datasets are even easier to use.  You only need to attribute as follows:

CONTENT TITLE (YEAR) by Hindenburg Media is licensed

Please link to the TI content under the above mentioned CONTENT TITLE (YEAR).

You can change or remix datasets; however, that does not imply in any sense that you can change it in such a way that data becomes untrue. Also, each change that you make should be indicated explicitly.

Could I use the Hindenburg Media logo in my work?

No, you cannot use the Hindenburg Media logo. That is a protected mark. You may use documents that might contain the Hindenburg Media logo. Creative license allows that. But in no instance you are permitted to use the Hindenburg Media logo for your own personal use.

Could I translate the materials owned by Hindenburg Media into another language so that it can be used in my country?

Yes, you can translate the materials owned by Hindenburg Media into another language so that it can be used in your country.

I have come across a photo in your publication/or on your website which I want to reproduce — who I must contact?

Well, that depends largely on who owns the image. If it is owned by Hindenburg Media, you can reproduce it (but without remixing or adding anything). You do not need our prior permission to do so. If the image in question is owned by a third party, you will have to contact them for permission.